The power to prosecute after completion of investigations is vested with the secretary for justice 调查后决定检控与否属律政司司长权力。
We are vested with the responsibilities to properly manage these markets and to keep them tidy 我们负责妥善管理这些街市,致力保持街市整洁。
The power to prosecute after completion of investigations is vested with the secretary for justice 独立检控权调查后决定检控与否属律政司司长权力。
Benefits derived from the member s own voluntary contributions shall at all times be vested with the relevant member 成员本身之自愿性供款则完全归属于该成员。
Article 196 the interpretation of these articles of association is vested with the board of directors of the company 第一百九十六条本章程由公司董事会负责解释。
The above quotation may change and shall be subject to the latest release by our company . the ultimate power of interpretation is vested with our company 以上价格如有变动,以本公司最新公布为准,本公司有最终解释权!
And ( b ) the medical council is vested with the statutory power to handle complaints against medical practitioners professional practice and conduct 医务委员会获赋所需的法定权力,以处理针对医生专业执业及操守所提出的申诉。